Gov. Signs Scores of Bills

Lawmakers’ late session flurry of activity is yielding dozens of new laws, as Governor Tom Corbett signed nearly 50 of them on Wednesday.  Here’s just a small sampling:

One will limit the number of hours a child performer can work, and defines reality TV, to make sure those children are protected just like they would be on a movie set.

Another will authorize local governments to create “land banks” to combat blighted and abandoned properties.

A series of bills will help farmers move their larger equipment safely

Veterans will now receive a special designation on their Pennsylvania driver’s licenses.

Small-scale beekeepers will be exempt from costly regulations that were threatening the hobby.

A Veterans Trust Fund will be established, funded in party by new “Honoring Our Veterans” license plates. 

Corbett was also signing a series of law-enforcement bills on Thursday morning.  They include the second half of Pennsylvania’s Justice Reinvestment initiative, and a new offense for gang recruitment.