
PA School Districts

Parents, Kids Reminded About School Bus Safety

Kids will be heading back to school over the next three weeks across Pennsylvania.   Parents are encouraged to have a safety talk with their children, about the right way to get on and off the bus and how to behave while on board.

Allyson Fulton, Child Safety Coordinator for Safe Kids PA, says there’s a 10 foot danger zone around the bus where a bus driver cannot see a child.  She says those areas are directly in front of the bus, directly behind the bus and on the right side towards the back of the bus.  She says children should be out in front where they can make eye contact with the bus driver, and they should stand five giant steps away from the bus. 

Fulton says a school bus is a very safe way for children to travel back and forth to school. Safe Kids PA says getting to and from the bus is more dangerous than riding it. 

Fulton recommends that children arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes early so they’re not running to catch the bus.  She says that way, the bus driver will see them standing at their bus stop. She says they should be on the sidewalk or grass so they’re a safe distance away when the bus pulls up.  Children should not try to board the bus until the driver opens the doors and motions them forward.

Fulton says Pennsylvania law requires vehicles to stop when a school bus has its red lights flashing and stop arm extended.  However, she says people violate that law every year, so students are urged to be cautious and always look left, right, then left again to make sure no vehicles are coming.

Fulton says if something falls near the bus when a child is getting on or off, the child should never try to retrieve it. The bus driver should be notified immediately.

In some areas, budget cuts have caused a reduction in school bus service.  Fulton says students who are walking to school need to walk against traffic and use sidewalks. She says bike riders need to ride with traffic, and walk their bikes across intersections.

 Fulton says children under 10 should not cross the street alone. Safe Kids PA recommends using the “walking school bus” if there are a number of children from the same community.  It involves one adult walking in front of the group of children and the other in the back to make sure the group gets to school safely.

Drivers are reminded to allow extra time to get to their destinations as school buses return to the roads.